Rick and Morty Movie

Rick and Morty Movie

Rick and Morty Movie

Rick and Morty Movie

Rick and morty  the movie

5 Reasons We Need A Rick And Morty Movie (& 5Reasons We Don't)  Rick and Morty Movie Fandoms inevitably arise out of shows and movies, and as people saw when the new Star Wars movies came out, they can get very toxic when they don't get exactly what they want. In their mind, their devotion should be rewarded with absolute perfection. The combination of a perfection demanding fanbase and a perfectionist creator is potentially chaotic.

Bombshell Movie Trailer  Even if the hypothetical R&M movie is critically praised, that won't protect it from a nitpicky fanbase. Since Harmon isn't kowtowing to the fandom, it would lead to a lot of animosity between creator and fanbase and depending on when it is released, it could lead to a decline in episode quality or dissatisfaction with the ending.